You can see "Glider's" prongs were shorter last year, but his other measurements similar.
I lost almost all my 2006 photos. This is the only picture I have of "Glider" from last year. I'm sad about that. Maybe I'll invest in more memory cards this year and use them like film - make prints!

Eli, invest in an external USB hard drive. You can get a 200-300 GB drive for around $100, probably even less after Christmas. You can then back up and store all your pics and video very easily. I learned that lesson the hard way too.
Very nice!!! I love the year to year comparisions!!!
I meant to get an external drive last year, but, for some reason, never did. Definitely something I need to get this year! $100 seems cheap - it's been awhile since I've looked at them - sounds like a no-brainer at that price.
I have a buddy who lost all his photos too and he had several pictures of two 90-inch bucks standing side by side! It was awesome.
I did lose all my photos from last year, but I still have several online so I'll post as many year to year comparisons as I can dig up.
Another thing about the Glider vs Glider pic...did anyone notice how much better my camera is this year compared to last year?? That's the difference between and REAL CAMERA (Canon XTi and Big Lens) and a FAKE CAMERA (Panasonic FZ30). AMAZING!
Your pics would look even better if you were shooting a Nikon!! haha just kidding.
Hey, I bought an 80GB external drive last year for less than $100 at Best Buy. They really aren't all that expensive. Also, keep an eye out at Best Buy for the memory cards. They will occasionally pick certain brands and blow them out. I picked up some 2G cards for $20 a piece last year.
Eli... Now that the regs are out when will you put out your unit reports? Right now I am leaning towards Unit 8 muzzy and unit 7 rifle, with a some archery hunts for the rest of the choices. I know what you think about unit 7 but I ran into some nice Antelope up in the trees last year hunting elk.
You know, I'm not a big fan of Unit 8, either, but there were several big bucks taken outta there last season.
I'll start posting some unit reports this week if you keep reminding me. I'm thinking they'll be more better than last years! :)
And you know how I feel about Unit 7, but it's mostly because I'm usually recommending units to out of state hunters who might hire us - Unit 7, in my opinion, takes way too much time and effort and you don't get out of it what you could get in other units. But, if you've already got big bucks picked out, then of course, apply there.
BTW, Nikons suck! ;)
Do you have any pics or info on the big bucks taken from unit 8 last year?? I have been keeping track of two good bucks for a couple years now, but don't know if they made it through this year.
Um...yeah, I do have some pics. I'll post one today.
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