A much updated repost from last year:
Unit 10:Still one of the best and most consistent units because of it's size and terrain diversity.
An excerpt from my Unit 10 post last year:
"If you look in the Arizona Record Book you'll notice that Unit 10 is a prominent unit for big bucks. I believe it will stay that way and I also believe it has the potential in 2007 to spit out more than one 90 incher! In 2008 or 2009 I'll predict a mid to upper 90 inch buck from this unit."
In 2007 we took four bucks in Unit 10 and their SCI scores were: 94 6/8, 93 7/8, 88 4/8, and 85. :)

Over the last 18 years we've guided to 16 bucks in Unit 10 and we have an average score of 87 5/8 B&C, 89 3/8 SCI!
The tags increased to 50 in 2006, held steady in 2007, and have now increased to 60. In 1999 and the early 2000's the buck numbers were low, so Unit 10 is definitely on the rebound and in the middle of it's peak years for this cycle. The last time it peaked was in the early/mid-90's and then before that in the mid-80's when Susan Whitaker took her World Record (story to come.)
If you've never hunted Unit 10 than you're in for an adventure. It's diverse terrain ranges from wide open prairies and rolling hills, to dense junipers, to sandy grasslands, and from private land to public to the Boquillas. Antelope populate every corner of the unit, but are difficult to find in the denser areas. The bucks in the open country run if they spot you from a mile away - the bucks in dense country do the same, but at least they have trouble spotting you. There's plenty of access to trophy areas. The private ranches in the unit also produce trophy bucks, but I don't think private land is necessary for a trophy - we've never had to hunt anywhere but land with public access.
For out of state trophy hunters it's recommended you hire a guide or find time to scout prior to your hunt. I've gone for half a day on The Plateau and not seen a single antelope so knowing where to hunt before opening day is a must if you want a big buck.
To increase your odds of drawing a tag you can apply for archery - it allows you to hunt Unit 10, 18A and 18B. (Increase your odds of hunting, decrease your odds of killing.)
Last year:
50 rifle tags, 1% draw chance
100 archery tags, 8% draw chance
This year:
60 rifle tags
100 archery tags