During the 2003 season I was lucky enough to get drawn for 19A archery and got to hunt Crossover, though the buck wasn't as big that year. I never got a shot off.
In 2004 the G&F finally opened 19A to rifle hunting for the Arizona Auction Tag holder and Wayne Webber hunted with us and Crossover was finally brought down! Check out what Crossover looked like two years after being a World's Record at this link http://www.pronghornguideservice.com/images/photos/2004_Webber_Crossover.JPG
Shortly I'll be linking a picture of the Crossover buck from the 2002 season to our website at this link http://www.pronghornguideservice.com/photoLivingGiantsFromPast.html
The bottom photo is of a buck that had just shed one of it's horns. It's not in color because I didn't take the photo. I scanned it out of an excellent book called "Pronghorn: Ecology and Management" It's a giant book, but well worth it if you're a pronghorn enthusiast!
Tally Ho!